Wallaby Veg Box


Wallaby Veg Box

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Manor Wildlife Park is home to two species of wallaby, the Bennett’s or red-necked wallaby as well as the world’s smallest species of macropod, the parma wallaby. If you’ve visited the park before, you’ll know that our wallabies are very inquisitive and enjoy feeding from your hands. Unfortunately, during these unprecedented times not only are they missing out on the interaction they often have with all of you, but covering the cost of feeding them all is getting more and more difficult. That’s why we’re asking for your donations to help pick up the food tab for one day for two of our wallabies. 

On a normal day, one of our wallabies (depending on species)will eat the following: 

  • 200g mixed vegetables

  • 150g of specialised animal feed

  • Ad-lib hay

  • Fresh willow 

When you donate a wallaby care package, you’re providing essential funds that will help Manor Wildlife Park care for its animals during the COVID-19 lockdown. Your gift will be used wherever it is needed most.